Confident, clear and effective
Are you looking for your team members to become more effective and dynamic with their communication? Delivering their message clearly, being more assertive, actively listening and feeling confident to ask great questions.
We work with all levels of staff, from junior to senior executives, sharing soft skill techniques to improve results and reduce the chances of misunderstanding. Most people think that they communicate well, however communication skills needs to be practiced and developed regularly.
Our active programmes will make a real difference in the way your team members communicate.

“Thank you for your well articulated subject matter. The compact 1 day lesson was effective and practical. We are more conscious about our behaviour preference and took home effective communication skills. You have delivered what we wanted.”
Alan Ong,
Senior Business Development Manager
JFE Meranti Myanmar
Verbal Communication
What you say and how you say it are two very different things. We like to think of the voice as an instrument, one that can inspire others and bring communication to life.
Our programmes help develop flexible verbal communication, to improve clarity, increase interest and improve understanding.

Non-Verbal Communication
Body language plays a crucial role in conveying messages and it is important to be aware of how we are perceived by others.
We can help your team to understand what non-verbal messages they may be giving to others and to develop a positive set of behaviours for the workplace.

Questioning and Listening
Having an ability to actively listen and ask powerful questions, will radically improve your team members ability to communicate with others.
We use a range of active learning methods to help explore and practice skills to take back into the workplace.

Building Rapport
We are more successful with our communication when we have a closer sense of connection, harmony and greater trust with the other person. Rapport often happens naturally, however the ability to build it can also be developed.
We help people to understand how to develop rapport through simple methods that can be applied in day to day personal interactions.

Understanding Others
The most effective communicators know the importance of flexing their communication and tailoring their style to suit the other person.
We help people to understand their own style by using the PRISM Brain Mapping™ tool to explore behaviour preferences, learn how to read others and practice adjusting their communication style accordingly.